Friday, August 27, 2021

The Neufeld Nonsense: At Least He Admits It

This conversation happened July 25th, 2018

I asked Google why my son, Oliver, was crying. It said that the typical answer is that a child was overtired, which can cause irrational behavior. So, I turned to him and said:

"Ha! You hear that? You're tired and irrational!"

His reply:

"I know! Ha ha ha!"

Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Neufeld Nonsense: The Eyelid Painters

This conversation happened November 9th, 2011:

Ava wakes up at 1:30am and comes wandering into the living room. She had a bad dream apparently, so I go and get her some juice. I tell her to go back to sleep, but she doesn't want to close her eyes because it'll make things dark.

Being quick on my feet even at that time of evening (or morning I suppose), I proceed to tell her that it doesn't really make things dark, it's just that she's staring at the back of her eyelids and someone had painted them black.

She laughed and went back to sleep.

Games with Sealife
